Life has a funny way of going around in circles. You head out looking
at the horizon, travel a few miles and then one day you turn around, look
around, and lo and behold, you are back where you started out from. With some
memories added on from your journey. One given of most travel is that
ultimately you reach home, however long your journey. The friendly pillow, the familiar
colours and smells of home, the sights and sounds outside the bedroom window,
are a welcome change to living out of a rucksack. For a while. And then you
start getting itchy feet and head out again.
Most journeys are enjoyable and you come back rejuvenated, refreshed,
cleansed, ready to take on the world. You have met new people, experienced new
things, digested local food, and explored new cultures. Then back to the
familiar, with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.
Life is also pretty much like a journey. It is not a destination by
itself … which I suspect is the ultimate moving on into the nether world … but
a journey made up of a million little destinations along the way, every day.
You like some, you hate some. You learn from some and some learn from you. It
is a symbiotic relationship between you and everyone and everything around you.
Oh yes, life is a journey like none other. And if you do not enjoy it, it can
be a very painful experience indeed. Much like regular travel. Away from the
comforts of the known, the future is always unique. It is unknown and unless we
can take it in our stride, we will live a miserable life … in life itself or on
the road.
Unfortunately, often times, in the journey called life, it is not
always easy going. Particularly for the mavericks. Those who want to chart a
future for themselves, swim against the tide, want to leave their footprints on
the sands of passing time, life can be difficult. There is so much to do and
constantly they seem to be beating their heads against a brick wall. Why are so
many people walking the tried and tested? Why are people afraid to peel off
from the mundane and chart their course in history? Of course, it is risky. But
what is life without a little risk, a little adventure. History has shown that
the path breaker has always been the one to change the world. It is that one
person who liked to stand apart from the crowd. Sure, there are many many more
who fall by the wayside in their quest for excellence. That is the name of the
game. Life is like a boxing bout. You don’t fail when you fall down. You fail
when you refuse to get up again. The crucial seconds of the countdown decide
your future. Do not be afraid to fail. Keep trying. You may not quite succeed
but you will not look yourself in the mirror and call yourself a loser. Success
is about getting up one more time than you fall.
So much for advice. It is extremely difficult to live by them. There
are so many logical reasons and justifications for us to stop taking that next
step forward. Friends, family, money at the end of the month, food on the
table, weather, health, finances, the pet at home, whatever. Excuses are there.
Some call them justifications. When you swim against the tide, you better have
very strong muscles. When thrown into white water, you need to know how to hold
your breath. When you are going where no one has ever gone before you need to
know how to tell your bearings.
Fatigue does set in though. And increasingly so when the hair line is
receding, there are shiny patches in the back of your head, the breath cannot
match up to the physical demands made by the mind. When age starts catching up,
and you sit back and notch up your accomplishments, you suddenly realise that life
has been a constant endeavour at chasing rainbows. The elusive pot of gold always
lay some distance away and like the proverbial mirage in the desert, turned out
to be an illusion after all. That is a scary realisation and from there on it
is extremely easy to just sit back and give it all up. The mind keeps reassuring
you that all the effort was worth it and that it was not wasted, despite what
everyone keeps telling you and what results you have to show. After a while you
end up believing it yourself and start looking at that loser staring back at
you in the mirror.
Life is a wonderful journey when the going is good. But when the going
gets tough, it tests the mettle of the strongest heart. And when the rough road
ahead stretches on till eternity, it can be a very frustrating journey.
I seem to be at the crossroads of life. The mirror keeps calling me,
beckoning me to take a long hard look at the person staring back. Is it a trier
or a give-upper? Is it a person who is down on the mat or one who is trying to
get up once again? Is it a winner or a loser? I have not looked in the mirror
for a while now, scared at who will look back at me. I am not yet ready to let
the referee complete the countdown. But the scores are getting louder and
louder, and getting ever so close to my ear, drowning out everything else that tells
me to get up.
Get up I will, I know that. But how many more times, I ask myself. The
psychological and physical demands are getting a bit much. The straws on the
back are reaching a threshold. The balloon has almost been blown to its full.
Now I need to sit back and take a long hard look. Jot down the future as clearly
and as lucidly as I possibly can. And then get up one last time, take a look at
the mirror, doff my hat at it and move on again on the journey called life.
But, it is a tough demanding world for the weary traveller. I hope I
reach my final destination soon. It cannot come soon enough.