Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Travel Trendz Trilogy Update: Day 3, Sep 21

Hello again. Today is International Day of Peace and the day dawned bright and early. Very peaceful outside the hotel room compared to last night with all the revelry going on due to the Ganesh Festival. That is one worry we had, how many people would compromise on the festival to visit the exhibition. All we could hope is that there are some ardent travellers who would find the time to get more information from an exhibition that was dedicated to travel. All we could do is our job right, set up the stall and be ready to interact and network. The IITM exhibition is the biggest in the country on travel and tourism and there are great opportunities for everyone in the industry to solicit partnerships. Which is why Travel Trendz was participating. And not only participating, but was the channel partner too. Anyway, after a lovely breakfast we moved on to the exhibition grounds to set up the last of the stall. Television sets were put up, laptops were connected, contests went live, the hostesses were briefed, goody bags were all on the ready to be distributed to prospective prospects. The Gypuzu was given another rub down and pictures taken. It was looking good and it was a proud feeling to be here in these august surroundings from where the Trilogy would be flagged off.

The day was busy, people coming and people going, lots of meetings. Mustafa was there from the Hyderabad office while Soumen, Kamalinee and Gunjan from the Mumbai office were busy extolling the many virtues of Travel Trendz Television.

The day went off quite peacefully and nothing eventful happened, except we made a fair number of contacts. Met some very interesting people, some of who came looking for advertising opportunities, while others wanted to know if there was any way they could produce programmes for us. Met another person who presented an idea on promoting the seven sisters of the North East. There is an idea in that and I hope they can come up with a good proposal.

Afternoon came and went, and soon it was time to wrap up for the day. Everyone went their own way, visiting friends and family, while I sat back in the hotel room, checking mail, planning for the weeks ahead, making calls and slowly drifted off into slumberland.

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